Question by verdell1988:
Getting sex in the course of ovulation and test came back negative?
My fiance and I tried to have child and we had sex on my fertile days according to the calculators. And we did it each fertile day this month twice a day. ok thats too a lot. lol but anyway, it was the 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 days we had sex, and my fertile days are the 6 7 8 9 ten. and I took a test right now the 18 was that too early or am I not pregnant? It came back negative. Need to I wait?
and my period ought to be tomorrow.
Answer by Yes…you could be pregnant!
wait 1 -2 weeks soon after you miss a period… pepole dont usually get pregnant on each single cycle
Answer by AntiHero
Did you miss a menstrual cycle but?
If you did not miss an expected menstrual cycle but, I would wait and try again.
You need to also be conscious that menstrual cycles vary in time each month due to stress. For instance, you could have a 28 day cycle one month, but due to anxiety, you could have a 26 day cycle so it adjustments.
Answer by Izzy
i would wait a week or two and test again. just because you had sex on the fertile days doesnt imply you will get pregnant, its just the day you have the highest chance of obtaining pregnant.
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